Why ex-pats need a Will
If you’re an ex-pat living in a foreign country and die without a valid Will there could be severe consequences
There may be difficulty unfreezing bank accounts and other assets
There may be a conflict between intestacy laws in your home country and the laws in which you reside
There may be difficulties over funeral arrangements
Protect your savings, investments and other assets
Pass your estate to the right people and protect them from inheritance tax
Plan who would care for your children if something was to happen to you and/or your spouse.
Who needs a Will?
If you are single you may wish to gift assets to your partner, family, friends and charities
If you are married don’t assume your spouse will automatically receive your estate
If you are a parent you will need to appoint a guardian for your children and ensure funds are in place for their care
If you are approaching retirement your existing Will may need reviewing to include grandchildren and/or any changes of circumstances
For all who wish to reduce inheritance tax liability and arrange for orderly estate planning
For more information, please contact me. I will be happy to help with whatever questions you have. www.rgwealthsolutions.com +6011-51565649